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Reliance who beat India's No. 1 company?

Penulis : Suhail Ansari on Monday 11 November 2013 | 07:06

                                    मुंबई में टीसीएस का कैम्पस

Tata Consultancy Services ( TCS ) TCS House, Mumbai headquarters built in 1922 and adorned with fresh magnificent historic building . In October 2009, after assuming the post of CEO Natarajan Chandrasekaran spacious and well -lit renewed his chambers arranged . He is a leather sofa and ordered a white board , snow-covered Himalayan shelf be removed and that he only took two pictures on the wall were Tngwain .

Marathon runner Chandrasekaran ( called Chandra them company and industry ) has a tracker . He loves heights and TCS have taken on a new peak . That sounds so much like India's largest software exporter are on steroids . All-round economic downturn - despite Rikrument downs , did not take the pace . Most employers in the world of technology it contains .

The number of employees is more than the population of many countries . Here it is December , the population of Barbados , more than 288 725 employees . In the past four years, its income has doubled to nearly 12 billion dollars . Market value is increasing in the same proportion .

Increase in market value consistent with the company's financial results in the last several quarters are also tremendous . The company continually enhances its closest rivals Cognizant and Infosys is the income gap . It has also increased profits . The operating margin in the quarter ended in September rose 30.2 percent to a record .

Found this new identity in recent years, the credit must go to Chandrasekaran .

Their customer base was not as bright as that of Infosys . Now they are able to achieve better customer and get more customers in the country . Chandra TCS has managed to move quickly into new business . They are very sociable person and readily available . "

Chandra employees have an emotional relationship , the second leader of the Indian IT industry are struggling .

Nomi is a social networking platform for employees ( Keanomi , whose pronunciation is like Nomi ) is introduced . Despite the concerns of data security company employees are allowed to bring their own devices office . The company has developed many app , which employees can use .

Such initiatives have strengthened the relationship with employees in TCS Attrisn rate ( the rate of quitting ) is also visible . TCS Attrisn rate of 10.9 percent is the lowest in the industry . Infosys ( excluding its subsidiaries ), the rate is 17 per cent .

TCS is able to maintain its top officials , such officials are connected with the company since the nineties . Cricket Fan 's strongest Chandra's words, " We want a place to keep everyone aspires to become captain of the team to function as a valuable player . It is a culture that we are able to pursue . "

At Giant agile company
TCS pursue business and to prepare for the future , Chandra was the second Gameplan to restructure the company . Independence pressing the accelerator, prompting a senior officer .

Many businesses have progressed rapidly . For instance, five years ago Retail Business Unit revenue increased $ 40 million compared to $ 1.5 billion in 2012-13 reached . With particular emphasis on sales now consistently large accounts ( customers) are to be achieved . A few months ago , TCS Scandinavian Airlines has received $ 15 million contract from the Nordic region's telecom operator Elisa also got a contract .

Both new customer . Scandinavian Airlines deal TCS have beaten five competitors , Computer Sciences Corp. was the company's previous IT vendor . Decentralized model for TCS because of the large and agile at the same time , it has been possible to be both .

Speaking of customers that exemplifies leadership and Chandra . In 2011 a large IT outsourcing advisory firm KPMG to tender for the project , which was at least $ 20 million . TCS was also in the race seemed far behind . KPMG India Head of Markets on a Sunday afternoon TCS CEO Pradeep Udhas Bejaः a text message " I do not think TCS is serious about this project . "

Within a few minutes the call dialed Pradeep Chandra . The next two days, he had sat in flight to New York , where the office of KPMG . During the flight was planned and presentation , which impressed everyone at KPMG . Chandra did not project at TCS Global Chairman of KPMG has established a relationship with . Shortly after this, with KPMG and TCS - with customer problems began .

Bets on Digital
TCS ' new approach to business can be seen in those Danvon , the company is building for the future . The company was recognized long ago that technological changes have caused the global IT services companies to achieve is changing the way . TCS in the retail , consumer goods and a major symbol of hospitality vertical Paul says , "This is tremendous changes in enterprises is visible .

he began working and gradually progressed while he was working .

The unit still has designed products for various verticals and service lines and that Google is working on developing application for glass .

Google Glass is a computing device , the search engine giant Google Inc. optic display has been developed . TCS digital business is identified as a key driver of growth . Digital Unit is working on a product that would have a major TCS in securing new contracts .

Application development and maintenance of TCS in addition to other services also began to promote . Historically, Indian companies ranging from customized retail banking for customers to develop and then to have gone all the way forward while maintenance of the application . Company to offer a comprehensive range of products and services is a matter which will be available to customers all in one place .

Business process outsourcing is a key part of its future strategy ( BPO ) is the unit . TCS BPO center recently opened in Saudi Arabia in which all employees are women . In a bold move , said it would be a fairly conventional thinking , making the company an opportunity to have their branding . Joining the company in 1990 and is currently president of the New Growth Market Ravi Viswanathan says , "The idea was to add local Tallent . "

Large stake in BPO
If you want to expand in emerging markets and Western customers to launch new product , they are also required to support BPO .

while we say that the work to the extent possible , shall automatically . "

Large number of staff to recruit system is not sustainable .

March 2013 , according to company figures were 21 282 foreign workers , which is a tenth of the total workforce . Become truly global in the next 10 years will be the biggest challenge for TCS . But Chandra has settled well at the moment and are batting crease firmly .

Web Title : charishma of indias larfest company 

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