Recent research has assumed that the patient 's asthma or asthma in pregnant women is relatively more time .
Denmark Bispebjrg University researchers have concluded based on the study of 15,000 participants . Of these participants, 955 women patients of asthma .
In general, pregnant women , researchers found that 21 percent of the time while 27 percent of women took longer to become pregnant , asthma patients. They claim that the patient 's asthma is 30 percent higher risk of pregnancy in women .
Moreover, this research also found that one in three female patients of asthma after the age of 30 became the mother finds . Although researchers have loved it believed that this condition can be treated with drugs .
Researcher Elizabeth Anusar of Joule Gade , '' We research found that pregnant women in asthma patient takes more time but they keep control asthma medication may reduce this risk . ''
The research is published in the European Journal of Respiretry .
Denmark Bispebjrg University researchers have concluded based on the study of 15,000 participants . Of these participants, 955 women patients of asthma .
In general, pregnant women , researchers found that 21 percent of the time while 27 percent of women took longer to become pregnant , asthma patients. They claim that the patient 's asthma is 30 percent higher risk of pregnancy in women .
Moreover, this research also found that one in three female patients of asthma after the age of 30 became the mother finds . Although researchers have loved it believed that this condition can be treated with drugs .
Researcher Elizabeth Anusar of Joule Gade , '' We research found that pregnant women in asthma patient takes more time but they keep control asthma medication may reduce this risk . ''
The research is published in the European Journal of Respiretry .
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