Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav to be soft stand against Narendra Modi said that the SP signals between the BJP and NDA no "untouchable" and if you have to support him no problem in taking . Yadav said on Tuesday that the country's impact factor and because of Modi BJP in the elections, can last more than 30-40 seats. Talking to a TV channel, followed by BJP vice-president CP Thakur said that after the elections the BJP anyone seeking help in cases is no problem. Thakur said that politics is not an untouchable. If so, why is soft to support the NDA. Earlier, the SP and the BJP in Uttar Pradesh on some issues - have been accused of giving with each other. Congress and BSP match on both parties - have been accused of fixing. The SP's statement on Modi belligerent and Laird can give new political equations speculation. Thakur Manmohan Singh's resignation came so close to the election on speculation that would not be right to resign. Manmohan Singh Thakur said the government has undertaken 10 years must now face the public. Rahul Thakur also said that Congress has no choice other than to be the next PM candidate. Praising Rahul Thakur said that he is the best choice for Congress.
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